In the case of Mdm Rose Enjong, who is now ill and has had one of her leg amputated, she remains grateful to still be able to enjoy the love from her family.

At the age of 72 now, she is happy to have the opportunity to see her new-born great -grandson about a year ago.
“Alhamdulillah, I am grateful for all the blessings given,” said Mdm Rose.
In 2008, her left leg became swollen and enlarged due to a bacterial infection and she was advised by doctors at Tan Tock Seng Hospital to amputate the leg to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.
At that time, Mdm Rose also suffered from diabetes and high blood pressure.
“When my legs were swollen, I was in pain. So when the doctor advised me to amputate my leg, I agreed but I didn’t think after the leg was amputated, how would I walk,” uttered Mdm Rose.

Caring Grandchildren
But she is thankful because since her leg was amputated, one of her grandchildren is willing to take care of him. Her granddaughter is now 27 years old, having taken care of her much-loved grandmother for more than 13 years.
“That’s my grandson who has taken care of me since he was 13 years old. While he was at school, he would watch over and keep me company at night.
“He also helps clean the house or sometimes, cook according to my instructions.
“He is still taking care of me. He would help me during the day if he didn’t work and slept at home with me at night. He rarely leaves the house, ”said Mdm Rose.

From elderly home to rental home
Telling about her family, Mdm Rose has two children, four grandchildren and a great -grandchild. Her husband has passed on in 1993 from a heart attack.
Today, Mdm Rose lives in a one -bedroom rental flat in the Edgefield Walk area, near Punggol.
Previously, Mdm Rose had lived in a four-room flat, but had trouble paying monthly instalments.
She went to sold the flat and once rented a house on the open market. She also lived at the Jamiyah Home for the Elderly, Darul Takrim, for three years.
She now resides in her current rental flat since 2017.
According to Mdm Rose, she can “be considered healthy after having her leg amputated and can go to the bathroom on her own in a wheelchair.”
But now, her strength is depleting and needs help to bathe or change the adult diapers.
Recently, Mdm Rose was hospitalized for about six months due to diabetes. She was just released from the hospital in July 2021.
She said she now also suffers from health problems with her lungs.
“The doctor said my body had a lot of water. So, I have to take medicine that helps remove water in the body.
“If I take the medicine, I will urinate a lot. But, if I don’t take the medicine, I quickly feel bloadted or feel congested, ”said Mdm Rose.

Varied assistance schemes help to lighten her financial needs
Following Mdm Rose’s health problems, the hospital recently helped Mdm Rose obtain home care services from NTUC Health, where Mdm Rose has to pay a subsidy fee of around $30 per month.
In the meantime, Mdm Rose is also very grateful because she also received Zakat assistance from the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) for about 10 years.
Zakat assistance from Muis was stopped when she resided in Darul Takrim.
Now after moving to a rental flat, her Zakat assistance has resumed and she receives $240 a month.
In addition, she is also eligible for the government support scheme, the Senior Citizens Support Scheme, where she receives $900 in cash every three months.
Sunlove Home welfare home also helped her by offering transportation to the hospital and sending her lunch for five days every week.
Commenting on receving Zakat assistance from Muis, Mdm Rose said:
“Alhamdulillah, when there is Zakat help from Muis, I can breathe. I cannot work.
“For others, $200 might seem little, but for me, Alhamdulillah. I can buy rice, can buy my necessities like disposable adult diapers, wet body tissues and so on.
“Alhamdulillah, I got help with the permission of Allah s.w.t,” said Ms Rose who once worked as a cook for hotel staff.
Therefore, Mdm Rose would like to advise the needy not to feel ashamed to ask for Zakat help from Muis if they need it.
“The help came with the permission of Allah s.w.t. But, we must make an effort. Even with my age and the condition that I am in now, I am thankful to be alive and can be with my family,” said Mdm Rose with a smile.
Eight Asnaf
Mdm Rose Enjong falls in two of the categories of 8 asnaf who have rights over Zakat – asnaf fakir and miskin.
Asnaf Fakir and Miskin refers to one who has insufficient means of livelihood to meet his or her basic needs and the Zakat disbursement includes monthly financial assistance, special assistance during Ramadan, and supportive programme grants.
For more information on Zakat
- Muis mainline: 6359-1199
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